2025 Ducati Panigale V2
Costa Mesa, CA

MotoHunt Price Research
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About Ducati Newport Beach
Ducati Newport Beach is the destination European Motorcycle Dealership in Southern California. No other dealer provides a more convenient, easy-to-access facility with 8400 square feet of sales, service, apparel, accessories, and parts with 20,000 square feet of parking one-half mile from the ocean.
Our large showroom has the best selection of motorcycles from Ducati, all displayed with room around each to enjoy from every angle. We also have a complete selection of casual apparel and riding gear from Ducati with two full-size dressing rooms.
Whether you have come to service your bike or just hang out, we have a nicely appointed lounge with refreshments and big-screen TVs where we also host World Superbike and Moto GP viewing parties. Our team are all handpicked European motorcycle specialists and all the best in the industry.