2024 Italica Motors Spektra
Hialeah, FL

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Broward Motorsports Miami
6400 W 20th Ave
Hialeah, FL 33016
305 557 1311
View listing on Broward Motorsports Miami
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Dealer Description
About Broward Motorsports Miami
Broward Motorsports is Florida's #1 and largest dealership carrying Husqvarna, KTM, Kawasaki, Kodiak Golf Carts, Scarab, Stark, Suzuki, Intense Bicycles, Segway Powersports & Pre-Owned motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, UTVs, PWCs, boats, and bicycles. We now have 6 locations in Miami, Tequesta, Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, Hobe Sound, and West Palm Beach, Florida to better serve you. Broward Motorsports is a dealer that carries an extensive selection of new and pre-owned motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, UTVs, PWCs, boats, and bicycles.
Check out our new and pre-owned vehicle selection on our website. You can even "Request a Quote" online for that new motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, UTVs, PWCs, boats, and bicycles that you have been dreaming about! We guarantee the best prices anywhere and will not be undersold. We also have a full customizing department to help you build the bike of your dreams! We are your one-stop shop for Husqvarna, KTM, Kawasaki, Kodiak Golf Carts, Scarab, Stark, Suzuki, Intense Bicycles, Segway Powersports & Pre-Owned!
Don't forget, our motto at Broward Motorsports is "YOU GOTTA RIDE!"
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