2023 Suzuki RM 85
Orangeburg, SC

From $4,499 to $3,899 on November 25, 2024 (14%)
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These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Velocity Powersports Orangeburg
170 All American Lane
Orangeburg, SC 29115
803 921 9272
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About Velocity Powersports Orangeburg
Welcome to Velocity Powersports Orangeburg, formerly known as Honda-Kawasaki-Suzuki-Yamaha of Orangeburg! Whether you're seeking Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, CFMOTO, Yamaha, Kayo, Hammerhead, or SSR products, we have you covered. If you have any inquiries about our extensive range of offerings, please don't hesitate to call us at (803) 921-9272 or email us at info@veloictyorangeburg.com. We are here to serve you. Customers from Columbia, Elloree, Singleton, Saint George, and the surrounding areas have come to rely on the outstanding service, quality, and expertise they find at Velocity Powersports Orangeburg. Visit Velocity Powersports Orangeburg today, and let us take care of all your powersports requirements.
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