2024 CFMOTO IBEX 800 T
Lancaster, SC

From $10,799 to $8,499 on December 4, 2024 (22%)
LEFTOVER SPECIAL!!! BRAND NEW 2024!!! Turn the key and the 7” TFT screen awakens. Thumb the starter. The parallel twin roars to life. Crack the throttle. 1000 denier fabric can’t stop those sound waves from penetrating your soul. First gear impressions? This 799cc engine is brilliant. Up and down the six-speed tranny you come to the same conclusion. Now about these top shelf components? Bosch® EFI. KYB suspension. J.Juan brakes. Quality without compromise, CFMOTO’s namesake. You also get cruise control, up and down quickshifter, heated seat and handgrips, luggage racks, even a center stand. See you on the next BDR.
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Reviews related to 2024 CFMOTO Ibex 800 TPowersports Carolina
1502 Hwy 9 Bypass West
Lancaster, SC 29720
866 254 8584
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About Powersports Carolina
Carolina Power Sports is the Carolinas #1 Power Sports Destination for Polaris ATVs and Side by Sides, CF Moto ATVs and Side by Sides, Bad Boy Mowers, SCAG commercial zero turn mowers, LS Tractors, NexMotor DB1s Alcom trailers, Red Hot Trailers, Used Motorcycles and Maruyama powertools.
We offer a full service dealership with complete factory support with the best prices around. Our dealership is staffed with factory trained employees that will be ready to assist you with any questions you may have. We stand behind the machines we sell; and we take pride in providing you with great service and a huge selection of parts, accessories, apparel and gear all at great prices.
Our goal is not just to sell you Motorcycles, ATVs, Side by Sides and Tractors, but rather provide you with a lifetime partner in the sport we are also passionate about. We believe our customers always come first and will strive for 100% customer satisfaction in all aspects of our business. That is our guarantee.
We understand your passion, because we are enthusiasts too!
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