2021 Harley-Davidson Road King
Idaho Falls, ID

MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Class average: 70 hp
Class average: 89 lb/ft
Class average: 772 lb
Class average: 772 lb
Class average: 27 inches
Reviews related to 2021 Harley-Davidson Road KingGrand Teton Harley-Davidson®
848 Houston St
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
(208) 701-6635
View listing on Grand Teton Harley-Davidson®
Dealer Description
About Grand Teton Harley-Davidson®
Grand Teton Harley-Davidson® provides superior customer service and has an entire team that consists of professional sales members, finance experts, service technicians, gear fitment specialists, and knowledgeable parts and accessories staff to support you, our valued customer. We pride ourselves on having well-trained experts that strive for customer satisfaction. Come in and visit our friendly, reliable, and experienced staff.
Our dealership is distinguished by a personal approach to delivering superior value and service with integrity. We welcome customers from all walks of life into our extended family of riders who share a passion for the road, with each other and with the community.
Whether you're a local or passing through on your way to Yellowstone National Park or Grand Teton National Park, stop in and check out our large selection of unique, Grand Teton Harley-Davidson® merchandise or the area's largest selection of used Harley-Davidson® motorcycles.
FEEL THE RUMBLE! Come down and test ride the Harley® of your Dreams! You may have heard people say there’s nothing like being on a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle, and now you can find out for yourself!
We sell Harley-Davidson® Sport, Cruiser, Adventure Touring, Grand American Touring, Trike, CVO™, and Icons bikes serving Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming including the areas of Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Rexburg, Blackfoot, Shelley, Jackson Hole and beyond!
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