2025 Honda® CRF125F Big Wheel
Philadelphia, PA

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These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Philadelphia Cycle Center
2450 Castor Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19134
215 533 5200
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About Philadelphia Cycle Center
Philadelphia Cycle Center is pleased to welcome you to our new internet site. This will be a work in progress for us, so bear with us as we improve our on-line store. Your suggestions are welcome!! Philadelphia Cycle Center has been serving the Delaware Valley since 1985. We are a factory authorized dealer for Honda®, Kawasaki, and Suzuki. We recently received commendation from Suzuki for placing as one of the top 50 dealers in the nation. Our accessory department carries all top name brands, such as Shoei, Arai, HJC, Fulmer and THH, at discounted prices. Our service department has factory certified technicians. Browse through our web-site or give us a call. We will be happy to answer your questions, or hear your suggestions. "Come Ride With Us".
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