2007 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train
Lake Park, FL

A RIDING POSITION NO OTHER PRODUCTION BIKE DARES. Butt slung low in a Badlander® seat. Boot heels stretched to the forward controls. And two fists in wind's face on drag-style bars. A riding position no other production bike dares. This is pure, unapologetic Night Train®. Various textures of black paint a dark picture over the engine and transmission covers, air cleaner cover, oil tank and virtually every other inch of this blacked out beaut. The heavy metal tune belting out of black powder-coated new Twin Cam 96B™ engine with six-speed Cruise Drive™ transmission does nothing to hide its not-so-innocent nature. The wide 200 mm rear tire cloaked in a bobtail fender lets everyone know who owns the blacktop.
MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Payment Estimates
These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Class average: 74 lb/ft
Class average: 606 lb
Class average: 644 lb
Class average: 27 inches
Powersports of Palm Beach
1422 10th St
Lake Park, FL 33403
561 844 2102
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About Powersports of Palm Beach
At Powersports of Palm Beach, we are motorcycle enthusiasts, and we are excited to help you experience the fun and adventure that a quality MV Agusta, STACYC, or Thumpstar motorcycle can bring into your life! We are proud to serve the Lake Park area, offering the best in new and pre-owned motorcycles.
Our friendly and knowledgeable sales, financing, service, and parts departments are ready to offer outstanding service at every point, from assisting while you're making your choice to ongoing maintenance and customization.
At Powersports of Palm Beach, we value the opportunity to create a long-term relationship with our customers, and we do that by making sure to exceed your expectations.
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