2025 Honda CRF250F

New Dirtbike
New Dirtbike Motorcycle in Granite Falls, NC
$105 / mo
Honda of North Carolina
Location Granite Falls, NC

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Honda of North Carolina
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2025 Honda® CRF250FNOT A RACER, BUT STILL A CHAMPIONWhat’s the difference between a CRF250R and a CRF250F? The first one is designed for serious racers, while the CRF250F is the perfect choice for just about everyone else. Built for trail riding and off-road fun, it offers the features that make Honda your best choice. First, its legendary reliability. Next, its refined ergonomics, that means you’ll have a blast riding all day long. Fuel injection means no clogged carburetor jets after a winter off, and air cooling keeps things simple. And finally, since it's styled like our championship-winning CRF-R models, youl’l feel like a factory pro even if you're just out having fun. Sized right for most adults, this is probably one of our most-loved bikes in our off-road fun lineup.Features may include:ENGINEERINGSINGLE-CYLINDER ENGINEA single is the perfect choice for a bike like the CRF250F. It's light, simple, fuel-efficient, and fuel injection helps it deliver plenty of smooth power and torque—ideal for a wide range of rider experience.HANDLINGSTRONG, LIGHT TWIN-SPAR FRAMEThe CRF250F gets a tubular-steel twin-spar frame that’s both light and tough.CONVENIENCENEW AIRBOX AND FILTERRefinements in both the airbox and air filter streamline airflow and improve throttle control and feel, especially in tight turns. You access the airbox through the left number plate, and because the CRF450RX’s filter has no rubber gasket where it interfaces with the intake boot, cleaning and servicing the filter is faster and less messy than ever.PERFORMANCEDUNLOP GEOMAX AT81 TIRESThe CRF450RX’s Dunlop Geomax tires are specially designed for Enduro use. The AT81 tires are spec’d at 21 inches for the front and 18 inches for the rear. You read that right: the CRF450RX rolls on an 18-inch rear wheel.

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Average Listing Price of New 2025 Honda CRF250F This price is calculated taking into account both currently available listings, and recent sales.
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$105 / month plus $749 down
48 months

2025 Honda CRF250F
Beginner Dirtbike
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Honda of North Carolina
4625 Hickory Blvd.
Granite Falls, NC 28630
828 212 5150
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Honda® of North Carolina is your one-stop shop for all things Honda related! We carry powersports vehicles, generators, safety equipment, and motorcycles. Our team is enthusiastic to serve our community and provide customer service you can count on. You can visit us in Granite Falls to browse our selection and meet the team.

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