2005 Honda ST1300A5 (ABS)
Newnan, GA

MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Class average: 104 hp
Class average: 74 lb/ft
Class average: 483 lb
Class average: 31 inches
Great South Harley-Davidson®
185 East Highway 16
Newnan, GA 30263
678 228 8213
Dealer Description
About Great South Harley-Davidson®
Gene Evans’ Great South Harley-Davidson® opened its doors on May 4, 2007—making it one of the newest Harley-Davidson® dealerships in the South East. Great South Harley-Davidson® is owned by long time Coweta County resident Gene Evans, former CEO of Gene Evans’ Ford in Union City. Since our opening we have been dedicated to bringing as many people to the sport of motorcycling and promoting the Harley-Davidson® lifestyle.With one of the South’s largest inventories, we offer a full line up of new and pre-owned Harley-Davidson® motorcycles, MotorClothes®, Genuine Harley-Davidson® Parts and Accessories, as well as Harley-Davidson® Authorized Service.Our 37,000 square foot facility is located on over 14 acres just off Interstate-85, Exit 41 in Newnan.
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