2012 Honda CBR®250R
Denver, CO

It Knows How to Have Fun Do smart and fun fall into your equation for the ideal vehicle? If so, the 2012 CBR®250R is the perfect bike for you. The CBR250R serves up everything first-time and long-time riders look for in a bike: Lightweight. Excellent fuel economy. Solid build quality. A user-friendly powerband. And a cool factor that can’t be beat. Plus, since it’s a Honda, the CBR250R is loaded with features few other bike companies can match, including our renowned reliability.
- Two Brothers Exhaust
- Aftermarket Levers
MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Payment Estimates
These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Class average: 42 hp
Class average: 344 lb
Class average: 375 lb
Class average: 31 inches
Imperial Sportbikes
301 Bryant St
Denver, CO 80219
303 573 6600
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About Imperial Sportbikes
Imperial Sportbikes is the largest seller of new / pre-owned Aprilias and many brands of sportbikes located a few minutes from downtown Denver, Colorado. It's not just the vast inventory that brings riders from all over the country, it's the overall purchasing experience.
We are 20,000 square feet of pure excitement! From our weekly events ranging from track days to race parties, we will be the most fulfilling purchase you'll ever make! Being there is half the experience, the other half is getting there. Whether you're flying into Denver International Airport (25 minutes away), coming in from Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Kansas, or anywhere in North America, you'll be traveling to some of the most scenic riding areas in the country. Your first ride on your new motorcycle will be one of your favorites.
So, while you're online, take a look at our inventory, our dealership, and our events. Then give us a call 855-871-2277 so we can help you get started on your next ride.
Whether you are an experienced rider or are planning your first adventure, we welcome you to experience everything Imperial Sportbikes has to offer. Stop by our store in Denver or contact us. We look forward to helping you.
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