2025 Indian Motorcycle® N25SBV61AA
Alexandria, LA

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5909 Coliseum Blvd
Alexandria, LA 71303
318 487 9495
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About Loewer Powersports & Equipment
Loewer Powersports & Equipment provides superior customer service and has an entire team that consists of professional sales members, finance experts, service technicians and a knowledgeable parts and accessories staff to support you, our valued customer. We pride ourselves on having well-trained experts that strive for customer satisfaction. Come in and visit our friendly, reliable and experienced staff.
Loewer Powersports offers the newest models including Honda®, Indian Motorcycle®, Kawasaki, Polaris®, Sea-Doo, Xpress, Phoenix, Gator Tail, Veranda, and Yamaha. Loewer Equipment offers full lines of Kubota, Honda Power, Land Pride, and Stihl. Our location is complete with service, parts, and sales departments.
We will help you maintain your ATV, dirt bikes, motorcycles, side x sides, and watercraft so that it runs for years. If it is having problems, we can diagnose and repair it! Schedule your service appointment today.
Our parts department also has the largest selection of high-quality Honda®, Yamaha, Polaris®, Indian Motorcycle®, Slingshot®, Kawasaki, Veranda, Xpress, Can-Am, Phoenix and Gator Tail parts and accessories in the area. Fill out a parts request form to see if we have the part in stock. If we don't, we'd be more than happy to order the item for you!
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