2024 Kawasaki KLR 650 Adventure ABS
Salem, OR

From $6,995 to $5,695 on February 5, 2025 (19%)
Ready to Explore the Back Country here is the perfect machine. Already has saddlebags and extra lighting. Come take it for a rip
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3601 Silverton Road NE
Salem, OR 97305
503 363 0634
View listing on Timber Town Harley-Davidson®
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About Timber Town Harley-Davidson®
Timber Town Harley-Davidson® sells and services new and used motorcycles. We have the largest selection of Harley-Davidsons® in the state of Oregon and have been Salem’s local trusted dealership for over 60 years. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff work hard to make sure our customers like us, trust us and have fun! We work directly with Harley-Davidson® Motor Company to make sure we bring you the best of what Milwaukee offers. Milwaukee steel baby! With over 100 years of experience working on bikes, our service department is second to none. Our factory-trained technicians are dedicated to keeping your bike in top shape, and to providing the best service possible, so you can count on us to help you get the most out of your purchase. We honor all warranty work and recalls. Visit our motorcycle service department now.
Owning a Harley isn’t about having…it’s about doing. Experience the lifestyle with Timber Town Harley-Davidson®. We hold events that benefit our riders and charity groups around Oregon. Check out our motorcycle events calendar and ride with us.
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