2021 SSR Motorsports SR110 Semi
White Plains, NY

MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Payment Estimates
These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Class average: 13 hp
Class average: 214 lb
Class average: 34 inches
New York Powersports
86 West Post Rd.
White Plains, NY 10606
914 949 1993
This seller can ship direct to your doorstep anywhere in the US. Please contact them for details.
Dealer Description
About New York Powersports
We have a long proud history as we first opened our doors way back in 1924 as Paulding’s Cycles (yes… when everything was still in black & white). Of course back then things were more horse and buggy heading down the road instead of motorcycles however, things have changed a little bit. New York Powersports offers Kawasaki powersport vehicles for sale as well as Kymco powersport vehicles for sale in the White Plains, New York area. We also have a second to none service department, and a full line of quality parts and accessories.
In our quest to provide you with the complete and ultimate motorcycle and powersports experience, we will do what it takes to earn your business – We are truly committed to your satisfaction, and making you part of the New York Powersports family.
In addition to White Plains, New York Powersports proudly serves the entire New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Tri-State area. Situated in the heart of Westchester County, New York Powersports also covers Stamford, Greenwich, and Fairfield County. New York City, The Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Long Island, and everywhere in between! Come by for a visit, the refreshments are always on us!!!
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