2017 Harley-Davidson FLHXSE - CVO Street Glide
Milwaukee, WI

MotoHunt Price Research
This pricing information is provided to you by MotoHunt to help you make an informed decision.Payment Estimates
These are payment examples for someone with a good credit score, not actual quotes. Please visit our Financing Resources page for financing options.Class average: 100 hp
Class average: 118 lb/ft
Class average: 822 lb
Class average: 853 lb
Class average: 28 inches
Milwaukee Harley-Davidson®
11310 W Silver Spring RD
Milwaukee, WI 53225
414 461 4444
View listing on Milwaukee Harley-Davidson®
Dealer Description
About Milwaukee Harley-Davidson®
Milwaukee Harley-Davidson® is owned and operated by motorcycle riders, for motorcycle riders. We are proud to employ some of the best and most passionate motorcycle enthusiasts at our dealership serving Milwaukee, WI! We live and breathe the motorcycle lifestyle with a passion for the iconic Harley-Davidson® motorcycling brand. Our core pledge to our valued customers always begins with choice, convenience, and value. Milwaukee Harley-Davidson® is engaged in our communities and strives to connect one-on-one with our riders every day to meet and exceed their expectations long after purchasing! Visit Milwaukee Harley-Davidson® in Milwaukee, serving Madison and Racine, WI today to fulfill your dreams of heading out on the open road. We have access to the largest inventory of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles in the country. Our team is prepared to help you in choosing your next bike while offering all of the services you need to get out on the open road. No matter which Harley-Davidson® motorcycle you decide on, our professional financing staff will go the extra mile to ensure you get competitive rates and worry-free warranties. Our dealership also offers quality service, parts, and accessories, as well as all the latest riding gear you need to outfit your bike for your next trip! Milwaukee Harley-Davidson® in Milwaukee, near Madison, WI is proud to be your home for the latest motorcycle sales, service, and more!
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